NSW Government endorses ‘Organics Revolution’
Circular Economy
16 June 2021

NSW Government endorses ‘Organics Revolution’

The NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041: (Stage 1 – 2021-2027) has endorsed diversion of organic waste from landfill to deliver substantive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from NSW landfills.

Open letter to Australia’s Mayors – Why waste matters to your carbon footprint
Circular Economy
1 March 2021

Open letter to Australia’s Mayors – Why waste matters to your carbon footprint

The single biggest greenhouse gas emissions decision you will make as Mayor, is “Are we still sending organic waste to landfill?”

Organics revolution needs a nudge
Circular Economy
15 December 2020

Organics revolution needs a nudge

Landfilled organics result to significant GHG emissions and a waste of valuable nutrients. Banning the landfilling of household and commercial food and garden waste would stimulate jobs growth, divert millions of tonnes from landfill, generate compost, sequester carbon in soils and reduce Australia's GHG footprint.

FOGO is driving real reform in Australia
29 October 2020

FOGO is driving real reform in Australia

The NSW DPIE conducted an excellent review of FOGO performance across 34 Councils in NSW. Average performance is a poor indicator of the trends in FOGO so Mike Ritchie, re-analysed the data to look at individual Council performance and summarised his findings in an informative article.

Can FOGO work in MUDs?
Circular Economy
27 May 2020

Can FOGO work in MUDs?

Following up on Virginia Brunton's well received "Where to with food waste" article, Mike Ritchie discusses FOGO in MUDs. Mike argues that collecting FOGO from MUDs is not just feasible, it is necessary. Getting food and garden waste out of all households will: - reduce #waste to #landfill by 50% or more - save up to 2.7% of Australia’s GHG emissions and - produce millions of tonnes of soil enhancing compost.

WA Waste Authority’s Better practice FOGO kerbside collection Program
Circular Economy
7 May 2020

WA Waste Authority’s Better practice FOGO kerbside collection Program

The WA Waste Authority is providing $20m to local governments over the next 6 years to implement a three-bin FOGO kerbside service.

Rebuild after COVID-19: All governments should ban organics to landfill
Circular Economy
24 April 2020

Rebuild after COVID-19: All governments should ban organics to landfill

Organics to landfill make up more than half of all waste to landfill in Australia. They are also responsible for a fair amount of the waste sector's GHG emissions. How can we create environmental benefits and stimulate the economic growth sorely needed post COVID-19?

Where to with food waste
Climate Change
20 April 2020

Where to with food waste

If global food waste was a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, behind the U.S. and China One thing we can do to combat climate change as individuals, households, local councils, state governments and federal governments is address food waste to landfill. So, what are our options?

MRA helps clients win over $11m in grants in NSW in 2019
20 December 2019

MRA helps clients win over $11m in grants in NSW in 2019

The recently awarded WLRM grants wrap up a spectacular year for MRA's grants team. Over the four funding streams MRA helped our clients win over $11 million in grants for FOGO and infrastructure projects.

Actions for a circular economy
16 September 2019

Actions for a circular economy

Following up on his earlier Circular Economy article, Mike Ritchie reviews the European Union Circular Economy Action Plan report of 54 actions and adjusts those actions to propose an equivalent action list for Australia.

Driving a circular economy
18 August 2019

Driving a circular economy

A circular economy is necessary to minimise landfill, increase resources recovery and protect our natural environment. A strong local reprocessing sector will also generate new jobs, support the economy and safeguard Australia from international developments such as China's National Sword. Mike Ritchie outlines the key drivers for a strong Circular Economy in Australia.

NSW EPA Organics Infrastructure (Large and Small) Round 7 grants announced
12 July 2019

NSW EPA Organics Infrastructure (Large and Small) Round 7 grants announced

The NSW EPA has released the next round of the Organics Infrastructure (Large and Small) Program grant under the $337 million WLRM extension. The grants are awarded under five funding streams that cater to specific applicant categories and have different project requirements.

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